Low Carbon Roads

In conjunction with Hunter Water, Edge Environment and Sustainability Advantage, our low carbon road project is exploring different building materials we may be able to use in our roads.

From a carbon, water intensity and ecotoxicity perspective,  glass, tyres, fly ash from coal-fired power stations, toner, plastic and recycled concrete may be possible solutions.

Our decision-making tool, co-funded by Hunter Water and the NSW Government, sheds better light on the impacts of materials used when building new roads.

For more information, see Edge Environment’s report on the use of recycled materials in roads.

Acknowledgement Of Country

We remember and respect the Ancestors who cared for and nurtured this Country. It is in their footsteps that we travel these lands and waters. We acknowledge the Awabakal people and Elders past, present and future. We affirm our commitment to working with the three Aboriginal Land Councils in Lake Mac – Biraban, Bahtabah and Awabakal.